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SearchBoth favorite comment:

"Some say Google, some say Yahoo. Personally, I think they are both the same except each displays the results in different orders. I've had results I was looking for on Google's 3rd page but then found it on Yahoo's 1st page, vise versa. In my opinion, they both should be checked simultaneously with I used to Google It, now I SearchBoth it!"  -Andrew, Las Vegas

Read comments from happy SearchBoth users:

Joe: I think you should be able to put in a serch engine of your own that's not on the list.

R: It's good that we can search with Yahoo, but if possible, it would also be cool to be able to search with GoodSearch. Thanks; great site!

KoKeN: dear admin, i suggest for you to use other word els compare. because it will make bad opinion at public... otherwise, i appreciate your hard job to make the search engine together.. sorry for bad english

Istvan: Für mich ist der Google die beste

fafa: a quand un module de recherche pour firefox ?

Brian: How about comparing weather sites, like vs., etc? In fact, why can't I go to your web site and specify any two web sites that I want to compare? Like vs. Great idea, though.

Jamal: C'est merveille experience c'est extra

jerry: Great site. Do you have an Icon I can put in my mac. dock? How do i make this my home page?

louis epperson: gooles has less junk an does not give every body your email address which fill your mail with spam

clayton: Google is faster7478e

mohamed: moi mohamed

Glenn: Have a plugin for Internet Explorer.

John: make the search entry bar longer at the top (i.e. overall search of both)

Darren: Google generalises Yahoo specialises I use and cant stop laughing.....

sathyanathan.T: i think google is better than yahoo.because searching is very speed and also many results find in this google search

praveen: good site is very full fast .

Blah: Google is better noobs!

fred: yahoo is sexy

Jack: Yahoo more directly orients to the specific input you enter, allowing you to more accurately get what you want. Google used to do that, but changed its search engine several years ago, resulting in a more generalized page that more people go to, rather than necessarily as sharply defined as you want. (My website was #1 on both for almost 5 years, then got bounced down 25 pages on Google; still #1 on Yahoo.) You'll also see a different in Images; it's definitely worth searching in both engines.

Jean: attention quand je quitte la 1ere page en français : la suite est uniquement en NL ( et plus en français) il n'y a pas de possibilités pour revenir au texte en français ! c'est triste mais pas impossible à corriger, merci d'avance

Jose Ceron: este buscador me parece muy acertado por que optimisa el tiempo de busqueda, solo que al querer hacer una nueva busqueda solo me aparece google en ambas ventanas, espero puedan corregir este detalle. por lo demas solo me resta felicitarlos por tan buena idea

Mohan: I always look for the relevency of search results and Yahoo has always proved higher than google. Here is a simple demonstration of that on my blog long back, if you wish to see yourself at

Marc: The belgian version contains a problem : When you select the language "FRENCH" in, you got the french interface (ok) Then, when you make a search, you've got the french interface for MSN, but, you got the DUTCH interface for the Google results ... It think that you need to know that in belgium, we didn't speak only dutch. Also, can you change the Google logo? (Belgïe is only for dutch people... Belgique is for french spoken people) Hope that you'll adapt these problems.

Jean: Google est + précis que yahoo et que MSN Vous devriez tester qui va très bien aussi (site français /anglais suivant option)

Janel Macias: subdiapente sarcophagal keck hydrophyte mithraistic zoophyta inflowering maritage The Dance Gypsy

Mengoni Henri: I did a few tests. Search test, Search images, ... My cotation (satisfied or not) Google 75% satisfaction Yahoo 25 satisfaction other search engines 5 to 10% satisfaction A long long time ago, I were very disappointed by the existing search engines. Then, Google arrived like a revolution! Since, no other searching engine are better ... Or just prove iy!

MENGONI Henri: I carrefully choiced: belgian version ( & the language = french... All the results are dutch links. Do you ignore that there are 4.000.000 inhabitants speaking french in Belgium? Then, for me, your tool is absolutely without intereset At least, in Google, I can choice my language!

De Belder Claude: Hello, Brussels wrinting, When I go to, the menu is automaticly in Dutsch. I'm French tolking. How can I get the head menu in French ? Thank you very much for your answer. A nice day for you ! Claude De Belder Brussels

Christoph: Bin durch einen Beitrag im PC-Tipp-Newsletter auf gestossen. Genial! Wann gibt's das als .de-Version?

nickeloard: Comment removed

natacha: pourrions nous avoir la possibilite de lire le site belge en francais,(il y a trois langues en belgique) merci,ainsi tout le monde pourrait en profiter sans devoir aller sur yahoo (site fr.)merci,a moins que cela soit une manipulation oubliee de ma part ,mais je demarre le site en francais ,donc????en esperant vous lire.

Jean: Vos explications sont complètement farfelues, votre projet n'a aucune originalité. Il y a huit and déjà, j'utilisais copernic, qui effectuait des recherches sur plusieurs dizaines de moteurs de recherche en même temps. Je crois aussi que, contrairement à ce que vous expliquer, il existe plus que deux moteurs de recherche actuellement, que MSN et Google ne sont pas les deux seuls moteurs de recherche. Vous faites peut-être du bon marketing, mais votre technologie n'est pas du tout innovante.

Laure: SearchBoth est vraiment décevant, un pur produit de marketing sans valeur ajoutée. Vous trompez les gens : vous n'êtes certainement pas les premiers à permettre une recherche sur plusieurs moteurs en même temps. (Voyez et essayez des méta-moteurs via ). De plus, votre mise en page est vraiment bâclée, vous vous contentez d'afficher le contenu de MSN (en néerlandais quand je demande le français !) et Google dans deux frames.

dario: Bastante buena la idea pero BASTANTE feo el disenio, la pagina no tiene chiste, y kreo que hoy en dia es fundamental la presentacion de cualquier producto.

Ludwig Karl: Warum gibt es nicht als deutschsprachige Version? Sprechen und verstehen alle Schweizer Fremdsprachen? Schade, um das Program auszureizen reichen vermutlich meine Englischkenntnisse nicht aus! Der Gedanke an sich ist bestechend! Schade, dass keine deutsche Sprachversion herunter geladen werden kann! - Ludwig Karl (70 J.alt)

Leo: Das Angebot ist sehr groß übersichtlich und einfach zu bedienen

Leo: Das Angebot ist sehr groß übersichtlich und einfach zu bedienen

André Jacques: Ich finde die Webseite '' den Hammer!

Thomas: hi together, your site is a great idea! I wonder if you have a search-plug-in for Firefox 2.0? Thank you very much.

Nguyen: I like that

Pamela: when I do the auto enlarge for Yahoo & print it out, the YAHOO name does not print in the upper right hand corner. the only way I can tell it is YAHOO by the Yahoo! Mail show above where the YAHOO name should be. I need this to show for my sales people to distinguish between google & yahoo on a print copy. Otherwise, this is wonderful & sales people have been asking where I found this Thank you so much. Pamela Laswell.

mailoc: Can I move the seperator between 2 search engines? Does it support Exalead Search Engines?

mailoc: there is many ads ! Could you add website thumbnail ?

ron: I would like to have a search box in my browser.

ron: I would like to have a search box for "andboth" in my browser.

Myriam: pourquoi le site n'est pas en francais pour la Belgique ????

John Holmes: This is the greatest site in the history of man Bobby!!

Brittany: This is awesome.

jkdizyn: that's my favorite website in my office. so i like that. thaks regards

CHRISTIAN: GOOGLE has more sites indexed than any other & what counts is accuracy and he wins, i don't even use MSN or YAHOO anymore - They try to catch up with GOOGLE who starts first. All of them are fast. Here in Brazil we don't use ASK.

James Hardy: Some say Google, some say Yahoo. Personally i think they are both shit, i prefer dogpile just for the vulgar name. Thanks Mr. Hardy

Darryl: Hi im Darryl waz up mofo? I just wanted to let you know that in my opinion i support google 100% all the way. Fair dinkum there gold, they are the best search engine in the world! On the other hand Yahoo is shit house, there search results remind me of a brothyl, i typed in aussie rules and it comes up with porn. I mean what crap is that. Youre a disgrace to anyone who says yahoo. Thanks Darryl, Dubbo

Darlene: Your site looks like a great resource/tool. Only thing -while you can do Advanced searching on Google via your site, does not seem like allows you to do do advanced on Yahoo (but Yahoo does have that feature).

ann: google is better because the loading time is faster

Rob Strakovits: Hi, great site ! How about a search addon for Firefox. top right hand corner...where google is love Rob.

alexander: I think that now we will receive more informations and more quick. It will be very good to receive the first new information about me on the my e-mail adress.

merzhanov: can you send new sites by e-mail?

indu: I say that it is used in multipul one site only we search both the results and & also we can use it as our pesonal is universal as well as prsonal site.we can use both in similar way .in my openion we will give equal imortance to both.i think its really good & wonderfull idea.

Aaron: Wow, SearchBoth has just upped the anti! were-as GahooYoogle lets you search only Google and Yahoo you allow your users to pick between multiple engines, at their discretion! i wonder what you'll come out with next...

ashokareddy.tatiparthi: Some say Google, some say Yahoo. Personally, I think they are both the same except each displays the results in different orders. I\'ve had results I was looking for on Google\'s 3rd page but then found it on Yahoo\'s 1st page, vise versa. In my opinion, they both should be checked simultaneously with I used to Google It, now I SearchBoth it!\"

Rod S.: its 2007, what took you guys so long? i think you should add other search engines as well.

Jacky: This site is amazing!

Adam: Great service! A couple problems, however: 1. Search box font should be much smaller. Long queries scroll out of view. 2. Front page too wide (horiz.). 3. Exchange placement of the "enlarge" checkboxes to reflect their actual placement in the page (yahoo on left, google on right). 4. redirects to Since you advertise as ".com", it would be better to have it as the default. 5. The "enlarge" checkboxes are very useful, but not convenient. Need more accessibility.

prasad: it is very good &good idea .to get both in one site.

lololol: wow great website!!!!!!! good idea by the way i was thinking you could do a youtube, ebaumsworld version which would already add to this great website

Kate: SearchBoth is pretty good, but contrary to popular belief, it is not the first time the 2 search engines have been amalgamated, but this one does work quite nicely. It'd be nice to keep it minimalistic though, I don't like these little boxes dotting up around the screen with ads and drips and drags. Keep it simple and clear, otherwise it looks very unprofessional. A 6 out of 10 from me ;)

Rich: Great site! Im ssurprised it took someone until 2007 to come up with this. Good thing you did...thanks!

Sarah: I think you guys are great for thinking of this!! Thanks SearchBoth!